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WF Breeders Halter Classic

Wed Mar 23, 2011 9:45 pm

WF Breeders Halter Classic
Hosted by Tia
Run in December 2007

1. Cancelled

2. Cancelled

3. Cancelled

4. Appaloosa
1. Mr Magic Zip
2. Dandyman Weedo
3. Your Dream Man
4. Paradise Forever
5. Cowboy's Star
6. Lightning
7. B Fine Lee Starred

5. Arabian
1. Matylda
2. Farr Blossom
3. Farr Erotykaa
4. Al Sukiyyah RLF
5. Farr Arktikaa
6. Royalty Afire RLF
7. Farr Panoramaa
8. Shazeek Al Baameez
9. Thee Believer

6. Cancelled

7. Cancelled

8. Cancelled

9. Cancelled

10. Dutch Warmblood
1. S Cupids Arrow
2. Khandykhane Lane

11. Cancelled

12. Finnish Warmblood
1. K.N Grape
2. K.N Importunate

13. Friesian
1. Exonerate
2. Riposte
3. Sobriety
4. Satire
5. Linus
6. Double Jeopardy
7. Intorsion
8. Obscurity

14. Gypsy Vanner
1. RF British Ideal
2. GM Equinox
3. GMR Imperia Playboy
4. Propekia
5. Dancing Queen

15. Half-Arabian
1. Casina Galena

16. Holsteiner
1. Domination REC
2. Nominate

17. Cancelled

18. Miniature Horse
1. A Little Mosaic WF
2. Batman N' Robin
3. Velleity
4. Dynamism
5. Hollywood Love
6. Decree
7. Constance
8. Panache
9. Acres Downer K
10. Verism
11. Leos Been Forgotten K

19. Morgan
1. Falkas Cree Emigrant

20. National Show Horse
1. Farr Blushingcheeks
2. Farr Musicaa
3. Farr Indiana

21. Paint
1. Stylin A Push Doll K
2. RFR Double Triples
3. S Autumn Smoke
4. Dreamaker
5. Silver Star Review
6. The Spanish Elite
7. SAI Impressed
8. Mister Zippin's Gun Suit
9. SAI Styles Extreme Pass
10. CF Extremely Dynamic
11. EL Docket Dreams

22. Quarter Horse
1. Fever Wish
2. RFR Set Sail Saros
3. CF Never So Legendary
4. CF Hollywood Nights
5. RFR Double Dutch Bar
6. CF Legendary Design
7. Leos Master Snip
8. Flame Star
9. SAI Leos Master Rebel
10. Miss Sunny Smoke
11. RFR Doc O Sox

23. Saddlebred
1. Mendicant
2. Harlem's Hot Topic
3. De Novo
4. Rendition
5. Tyrannical
6. Contrive
7. Sui Generis

24. Cancelled

25. Cancelled

26. Shire
1. New England's Pretty Miss

27. Cancelled

28. Cancelled

29. Thoroughbred
1. SAI Iza Dancer
2. Roomwithaview
3. Meadow Path MSC
4. Sonic Dream
5. Stormin Passion
6. Tinker's Ticket
7. Dressedinclashingcolors
8. Flawless Diamond REC
9. RTW Tex Mex
10. Seeking Harmony REC
11. RTW One Eye Open
12. Angels Halo
13. Untactful
14. Preamble

30. Trakehner
1. S Im That Classic
2. Balzac
3. Classic Lady

31. Cancelled

32. Welsh Pony (Section B)
1. Blossom of Everest

33. Cancelled

34. Cancelled

35. Other Warmbloods
1. Classy Dancer
2. Gypsy
3. CCI C'est La Vie
4. Calamity (Hanoverian)
5. CCI Broken At The Seams
6. Rosendra REC (Hanoverian)
7. Savoir Faire (Hanoverian)
8. Aftershock
9. Exaltation (Hanoverian)
10. Arabella
11. Suavities (Hanoverian)
12. S No Appeal
13. Chicago Lady
14. Pantomime (Hanoverian)
15. Femiro (Westphalian)
16. Star Donner RFS (Rheinland Pfalz Saar)
17. Enervated (Hanoverian)
18. Admiral II

36. Other Draft Breeds
1. SRI Fireside

37. Other Pony Breeds
1. Lovesong
2. CCI Excell Mour

38. Other Non-listed Breeds
1. Capricious
2. Ambrosia
3. Wynee WF
4. Turbulent
5. Semblance
6. Kiger
7. Cirque
8. Rendezvous
9. Marsh Mello’s Special K
10. Immolate
11. Lincoln
12. Convivial
13. Veneration
14. Masquerade
15. Recherche
16. Caesura

39. Cancelled

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