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Before Posting: Rules and Guidelines

Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 9:14 am
by Noel
Due to the controversial manner of a reclaiming post, we need to go over a list of rules to keep things in a civil tone. Please read this before posting, as failure to do so will result in the deletion of the post.

When can I post? The only time you are permitted to use this board to reclaim a horse is if the horse was under your contract and the owner failed to adhere to it. You may not use this board to reclaim a horse from somebody you dislike. Unless the simmer has broken a contract of yours, please keep petty civil disputes in private messages.

How should I word my post? Please keep your post in a neutral tone. If you fail to do that, your post will be immediately deleted upon being noticed by an Admin of Moderator of The Sim Community. You should include the horses name, who they are being reclaimed from, and a short description why.

For Example: Colonel Crown is being reclaimed from Caitlin due to his page having gone unmanaged for 3 months. I was his original owner/breeder, and it was a requirement that show results be posted on his page every so often.

If you are disputing a reclaiming, please PM the person that posted the reclaiming.