Welcome to Dahabu

Dahabu Arabians has been around since 2001. We started out in Finland with the domestic blood lines. Eventually, I added some Russian, Polish, Spanish and Egyptian lines to our herd, but dropped the Spanish and Egyptian blood due to poor market; public's lack of interest. I held onto my Polish and Russian horses, even though there was no interest in the Finnish sim world at the time. The Polish and Russian horses have always been dear to me. They are some of the best athletes in the breed! Not only are they talented, they have great temperaments, which is the #1 thing I breed for. The mind and conformation, that's what makes a great horse in my opinion.

Our History

In July of 2002 the breeding plans changed a bit and our name changed to Dahabu Arabians & Gaited Horses. I added some Saddlebreds and National Show Horses to the herd. Once my NSH breeding kicked off and I felt I had a good base for my breeding, I left out the Saddlebreds and continued with my purebred Arabians as well as the National Show Horses, occasionally using outside Saddlebreds to improve our breeding stock.

The Dutch Harness Horse was introduced in 2008. I imported the first three DHH's to the Finnish sim world. Today, the breed is still popular in Finland! My first foundation horses were the two stallions; Constantijn and Stefanus, and the mare Liselot. The stallions were the first Grand Champion -titled halter horses in Finland, as well as the first to receive prizes in the Dressage and Driving Horse Evaluations. The blood of these three horses still runs through my DHH residents.

In 2014, I made the desicion to transfer my website into the All Sim and more of an "American standard". The website will no longer be in Finnish, as I have not competed in any of the Finnish associations, let alone have any contact with any of the Finnish simmers. And for my personal, real life changes, I no longer live in Finland either. I have been an American Resident for many years now, and as cheesy as it may sound, I'm loving the life with horses in the US!