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VKA Christmas Is Over Show (Invitational #1)

Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:27 am

VKA Christmas Is Over Show (Invitational #1) (01/11/2009)

BIS: female - Jellylorum's Mardi Gras Queen (Dalmatian)

Best In Group
1. female - Rainbow Loves Princess Zelda (German Pointer)
2. female - Hot Shot (Chesapeake Bay Retriever)
3. male - Kismit's All Night Long (Irish Red Setter)
4. male - Intercosma Mackie (American Cocker Spaniel)

American Cocker Spaniel
BOB1 male - Intercosma Mackie - Heather

Chesapeake Bay Retriever
BOB1 female - Hot Shot - Heather

German Pointer
BOB1 female - Rainbow Loves Princess Zelda - Heather

Gordon Setter
BOB1 male - Blackis Little Ghost - Heather

Irish Red Setter
BOB1 male - Kismit's All Night Long - Heather


Best In Group
1. male - Rainbow Loves Winston (Bloodhound)
2. male - SF's Jokers Wild (Dachshund, Wirehaired)
3. male - Kismit's Grover (Greyhound)
4. male - SF's Bullseye (Norwegian Elkhound)

BOB1 male - Blackis Kisantu - Heather

Basset Hound
BOB1 male - Kismit's Flashes of Light - Heather

BOB1 male - Rainbow Loves Winston - Heather

Dachshund, Wirehaired
RWD male - Day Tripper - Heather
BOB1 male - SF's Jokers Wild - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - Eleanor Rigby - Heather
RWB female - SF's Gold Digger - Heather

English Foxhound
BOB1 male - Rainbow Loves Me And You And My Medication - Heather

BOB1 male - Kismit's Grover - Heather

Ibizan Warren Hound
BOB1 male - Aoi Kiriya - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - Karin Karino - Heather

Norwegian Elkhound
BOB1 male - SF's Bullseye - Heather

Rhodesian Ridgeback
BOB1 male - Kismit's Leon - Heather


Best In Group
1. male - Rainbow Loves I Will Always Love You (Akita)
2. male - Ralph (Alaskan Malamute)
3. male - When It Rains (Great Dane)
4. female - Jellylorum's The Green Medusa (Saint Bernard)

BOB1 male - Rainbow Loves I Will Always Love You - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - Jellylorum's Send Her My Love - Heather

Alaskan Malamute
BOB1 male - Ralph - Heather

BOB1 male - PK's Path Of Resistance - Heather

BOB1 male - S's Playground Bully - Heather

Great Dane
BOB1 male - When It Rains - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - Misery Business - Heather

BOB1 male - Rainbow Loves Step Brothers - Heather

Saint Bernard
BOB2 BOS male - Jokkes Baldwin - Heather
BOB1 female - Jellylorum's The Green Medusa - Heather


Best In Group
1. female - Hanlon Earth Angel (Sealyham Terrier)
2. male - Hanlon Ghostbusters (Kerry Blue Terrier)
3. female - Kismit's Hear The Music Fade (Miniature Bull Terrier)

Kerry Blue Terrier
BOB1 male - Hanlon Ghostbusters - Heather

Miniature Bull Terrier
BOB2 BOS male - Blackis Bomb Jack - Heather
BOB1 female - Kismit's Hear The Music Fade - Heather

Sealyham Terrier
BOB1 female - Hanlon Earth Angel - Heather


Best In Group
1. champion male - CCh. Dicati's Wind Chaser (Pomeranian)

BOB1 champion male - CCh. Dicati's Wind Chaser - Minnea


Best In Group
1. female - Jellylorum's Mardi Gras Queen (Dalmatian)
2. male - Rainbow Loves Dan (Chinese Shar Pei)
3. champion female - CCh. BIS CCh. Forte Ansalanka (Finnish Spitz)

Chinese Shar Pei
BOB1 male - Rainbow Loves Dan - Heather

BOB2 BOS male - Jokes Domino - Heather
BOB1 female - Jellylorum's Mardi Gras Queen - Heather

Finnish Spitz
BOB1 champion female - CCh. BIS CCh. Forte Ansalanka - Minnea


Best In Group
1. male - Blue's Hand In Hand (Australian Shepherd)
2. male - S's Shiraz (German Shepherd Dog)
3. male - Kismit's Fire Burn, Caldron Bubble (Belgian Sheepdog)
4. male - Jellylorum's Don Prima (Canaan Dog)

Australian Cattle Dog
BOB1 male - Jellylorum's Used - Heather

Australian Shepherd
male - IS' Royal Blue - Heather
RWD male - Korpberget's Imran - Heather
male - Myrskyluodon Punainen Paroni - Johanna
BOB1 male - Blue's Hand In Hand - Minnea
male - Red Warrior's Ready To Go - Minnea
female - DU Kiera - Minnea
female - DU Zoe - Minnea
female - Intimate Portrait - Minnea
BOB2 BOS female - CE Destination - Minnea
RWB female - Geisha's Aoi Shinriki - Minnea

BOB1 male - Rainbow Loves Safari - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - Jellylorum's Penny Parker - Heather

Belgian Sheepdog
BOB1 male - Kismit's Fire Burn, Caldron Bubble - Heather

Belgian Tervueren
BOB1 male - Jellylorum's A Garage Band From Seattle - Heather

Border Collie
male - S's Loose Cannon - Heather
BOB1 male - Nevola's Fresco - Johanna
male - Slobodan Koya - Johanna
male - Cicada LochO Qwynne - Johanna
male - Kido's Red Shot - Johanna
RWD male - Kismit's Zizoo - Heather
RWB female - Talen Blended Whiskey - Johanna
female - Spare Dawn of Quadrant - Johanna
female - Stristar's Kissing The Devil - Johanna
female - Lasimeren Light of Hope - Johanna
female - Lasimeren Eyonara - Johanna
BOB2 BOS female - Burning Heart of Quadrant - Johanna
female - Articur Nerena Frikor - Johanna

Bouvier des Flandres
BOB1 male - Kismit's Navajo - Heather

BOB1 male - Jellylorum's Bud Bundy - Heather

Canaan Dog
BOB1 male - Jellylorum's Don Prima - Heather

Collie, Rough
RWD male - Kazune Kujyou - Heather
BOB2 BOS male - Jin Kuga - Heather
RWB female - Karin Hanazono - Heather
female - Himeka Kujyou - Heather
BOB1 female - Silverwing Queen Of The Nile

German Shepherd Dog
BOB1 male - S's Shiraz - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - Hukkaharjan Voimalinja - Johanna
RWB female - Hukkaharjan Ketjureaktio - Johanna
female - Anshu z Kuraz - Minnea


Best In Group
1. male - PK's Barbell Director (Cirneco dell'Etna)
2. male - Storyteller's Foucault's Pendulum (Volpino Italiano)
3. male - Rainbow Loves Call Of Duty 4 (Cane Corso)
4. male - SF's Santa Claus Conquers The Martians (Blue Picardy Spaniel)

Belgian Laekenois (FCI)
BOB1 male - Jellylorum's Rock The Casbah - Heather

Bergamasco (FCI)
BOB1 male - Hanlon Dow Jones - Heather

Blue Picardy Spaniel (FCI)
RWD male - Rin Tsuchimi - Heather
BOB1 male - SF's Santa Claus Conquers The Martians - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - Kaede Fuyou - Heather

Cane Corso (FCI)
BOB1 male - Rainbow Loves Call Of Duty 4 - Heather

Central Asia Shepherd Dog (FCI)
BOB1 male - Hanlon Devil's Food Cake - Heather

Cirneco dell'Etna (FCI)
BOB1 male - PK's Barbell Director - Heather

Coton de Tulear (FCI)
BOB2 BOS male - Ook's Screamin' Green - Heather
BOB1 female - White Cloud We Want Winnie - Minnea

Czeslovakian Wolfdog (FCI)
BOB1 male - Rainbow Loves The Anthem - Heather

East Siberian Laika (FCI)
BOB2 BOS male - Yeah, Im That Good - Heather
BOB1 female - For A Pessimist, I'm Pretty Optimistic - Heather

Eurasier (FCI) 10
BOB1 male - Hard Rock Hallelujah - Heather

Frisian Water Dog (FCI)
BOB1 female - Kismit's Serenity - Heather

Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen (FCI)
BOB1 male - Blackis Vodka Gimlet - Heather

Greenland Dog (FCI)
RWD male - Starswept Little Disco Dancer 2 - Heather
BOB2 BOS male - Jellylorum's Rum Tum Tugger - Heather0236
BOB1 female - Am I Not Pretty Enough - Heather

Hokkaido (FCI)
BOB1 male - Kira - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - SF's Rock Your Socks - Heather

Hollandse Smoushund (FCI)
BOB1 male - Blackis Welcome To My Life - Heather

Kromfohrlander (FCI)
BOB2 BOS male - You Could Have It So Much Better - Heather
BOB1 female - Cheating On You - Heather

Mittelspitz (FCI)
BOB1 male - Balanced Better Without You - Minnea

Mudi (FCI)
BOB1 male - S's Boldizsar - Heather

Old Danish Pointing Dog (FCI)
BOB1 male - Blackis Laurits - Heather

Picardy Spaniel (FCI) 20
BOB1 male - Ayumu Narumi - Heather

Portuguese Podengo (FCI)
BOB1 male - Kismit's Not Just A Mint - Heather

Russian-European Laika (FCI)
BOB1 male - You Can't Polish A Turd - Heather
BOB2 BOS female - Your Face Is Weird - Heather

Saarloos Wolfhound (FCI)
BOB1 male - S's Nico - Heather

Swedish Elkhound (FCI)
BOB1 male - Hanlon Christmas Concerto - Heather

Uruguayan Cimarron (FCI)
BOB1 male - S's Maverick - Heather

Volpino Italiano (FCI)
BOB1 male - Storyteller's Foucault's Pendulum - Heather

West Siberian Laika (FCI)
BOB1 male - SF's Felix - Heather

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